Full name:
Name | Type | Since | Description |
<businessArtifactId> | String | - | (no description) |
<businessGroupId> | String | - | (no description) |
Name | Type | Since | Description |
<debug> | boolean | - | Whether to show debug statements in the build output. Default value is: false. User property is: invoker.debug. |
<javaHome> | File | - | The JAVA_HOME environment variable to use for forked
Maven invocations. Defaults to the current Java home directory. User property is: invoker.javaHome. |
<localRepositoryPath> | File | - | The local repository for caching artifacts. It is strongly
recommended to specify a path to an isolated repository like
${project.build.directory}/it-repo. Otherwise, your
ordinary local repository will be used, potentially soiling it with
broken artifacts. Default value is: ${settings.localRepository}. User property is: invoker.localRepositoryPath. |
<mavenExecutable> | String | - | mavenExecutable can either be a file relative to
${maven.home}/bin/ or an absolute file. User property is: invoker.mavenExecutable. |
<mavenHome> | File | - | The home directory of the Maven installation to use for the forked
builds. Defaults to the current Maven installation. User property is: invoker.mavenHome. |
<projectArtifactId> | String | - | ArtifactId of the generated project If not set businessArtifactId
appended by "-jpacktool" is being used. |
<projectGroupId> | String | - | GroupId of the generated project. If not set the businessGroupId is
being used. |
<settingsFile> | File | - | Path to an alternate settings.xml to use for Maven
invocation with all ITs. Note that the
<localRepository> element of this settings file
is always ignored, i.e. the path given by the parameter
localRepositoryPath is dominant. User property is: invoker.settingsFile. |
<showErrors> | boolean | - | Whether to show errors in the build output. Default value is: false. User property is: invoker.showErrors. |